HBCU Golf Tournament, Nurses Health Walk, and more Inside Community’s Choice

Momma’s Safe Haven

Momma’s Safe Haven 7th Annual You Go Girl Female Transformational Conference is October 26th at the Thurgood Marshall Center in NW.  Bring your daughters out for a day of motivation, workshops, and host of other free activities.   www.mommassafehaven.org

Estate Planning Workshop

Take control of your future and provide for your loved ones.  The DC Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking is holding free estate planning workshop October 7th and 8thwww.eventbrite.com

Cocktails for A Cause

Help provide housing for the homeless.  Join Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services for their Cocktails for a Cause October 21st at Lib’s Grill in Howard County.  www.laureladvocacy.org

Alpha College Fair

Mark your calendar for the 19th Annual College Fair November 9th at the Southern Regional Tech and Recreation Complex in Fort Washington.  It’s hosted by the Brothers of the Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. 

Domestic Violence Auto Show

Calling all bikers, truckers and cyclists.  Come out October 5th to the Domestic Violence Benefit Auto Show at Winegarder Chevrolet in Fort Washington. 

Nurses Health Walk

Lace up your sneakers for the Black Nurses of Southern Maryland Health Fair and 5k Walk/Run October 5th at Tucker Road in Fort Washington.  www.bnsmd.nursingnetwork.com

To get your non-profit on the air and web, email Renee Nash at rnash@whur.com at least three weeks before your event.