Alsobrooks Campaign Sign Vandalized

Maryland’s U.S. Senate campaign has taken an ugly turn. A campaign sign with the image of Angela Alsobrooks was defaced with a crosshairs placed on Alsobrooks’ photo and the letters KKK written.  The sign was located on Laurel-Bowie Road in Laurel.   Alsobrooks, who is Black and county executive for Prince George’s, is the Demoratic nominee in the senate race against Republican and former Maryland governor Larry Hogan. Crosshairs is a target symbol, while KKK is the acronym for the white supremacy group the Ku Klux Klan. Alsobrooks’ campaign spokesperson says the primary concern is for Alsobrooks’ safety, adding, the “hateful threat will not deter Angela or her campaign.” Larry Hogan issued a statement saying, “Hate, threats of violence, and racism must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. They have no place in Maryland.”