Fireworks Cause of SE Fire Displacing 76

Washington, D.C. (Wednesday, June 26, 2024) – Illegal fireworks were the cause of that major fire yesterday that engulfed a pair of apartment buildings on Bowen Road in S.E.

The two alarm fire destroyed two apartment buildings and left 76 persons without a place to live.

Fire investigators from DC Fire and EMS says the illegal fireworks ignited a second floor balcony at 2635 Bowen Road and quickly spread into the attic and roof. The fire was so intense it also engulfed another building, injuring one resident and a firefighter.

Officials say the accidental fire was started by youth playing with roman candles, which are illegal fireworks in the District. The blaze broke out Tuesday just after 1:40p.m. Officials are calling it a bad accident that could have been worse.

“We all enjoy fireworks, but many of us do not realize how dangerous they can be,” said Fire Chief John A. Donnelly Sr. “This is a terrible tragedy for the residents whose lives have been disrupted because someone else was not safe with fireworks. Please be safe with fireworks. Only legal fireworks outside and away from people and buildings.”

Any fireworks that fly, explode or move are illegal in the District of Columbia. Any person found engaging in the business of using or selling illegal fireworks in the District of Columbia faces monetary fines of $2,000 or more and possible arrest and criminal prosecution.