In the new Taraji P. Henson movie What Men Want her character develops the ability to hear men’s thoughts. We put together a panel of men who tell women what they’re thinking about a plethora of issues.
1. We crave compliments just as much as you.
Some guys may try to play it off like they don’t need praise — they just threw on that T-shirt without thinking — but anyone who tries to tell you they don’t want a compliment tossed their way is full of crap. Yes, we thought about what you’ll think of how those jeans show off our assets. And yes, we want you to notice how the edge of our sleeves perfectly grip our biceps. (We’ve worked hard to make the muscle pop like that.) These compliments
2. And they don’t have to just be about our looks.
Just to be clear, the praise you give doesn’t need to revolve around our bodies. In fact, it’s important that women commend the things that masculinity tends to belittle, like if we’re good cooks or have insightful takeaways about foreign films. Tell us when we’re nailing the whole parenting thing, if we’re being helpful partners, or that you think we’re caring sons. These kinds of compliments aren’t something we’ll soon forget, and only make us want to further prove that we’re worth your kind words.
3. Our honesty is well-intentioned.
We know that, at times, tact can be the four-letter word that we never learned. But many times, being brutally honest is our way of showing you that we care. Think about it: Throughout the day, it’s common to lie or obfuscate with people you have no interest in. The art of BS is how we get through the day. But with you, we want to forget all that. We want to tell you why your mother bothers us and how you can stop fighting with your high-maintenance friend. Not only do we think it’ll solve a problem (more on that below), but we also want you to know that we think of highly of you. And mom taught us that you don’t lie to the ones who matter.
4. We really (really) want to solve your problems.
One of the biggest differences between men and women is how we handle difficult situations. Many times, women want to talk about what’s going on just for the sake of talking. To know that someone is really listening to them, and is here to comfort them when times get rough. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But for men, it’s our instinct to come up with as many potential solutions to the problem as possible
5. We want you to appreciate our reliability.
Similar to why we’re so damn honest, a good man demonstrates his commitment to you by showing up. the more men feel those guys get the benefits of your time and attention, the more incentive we have to become those guys. And that’s a lose-lose for everyone involved. Instead, smile when we aren’t late to date night, or send us a text thanking us once we prove you can call at anytime. Positive reinforcement, right?
6. But don’t want to be attached at the hip.
We acknowledge the importance of couple time. We’d even go so far as to say that, in the best relationships, showing your beau some form of love each day deepens and extends the partnership. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t spend time apart
7. We love feminine touches.
While no fair-minded guy wants women to return to the life of a 1950s sitcom, neither do we want the elimination of the feminine as a virtue. So don’t be ashamed to hold on to those things that make you different from us if they make you feel good
8. You can be a boss in the bedroom.
Unleash yourself. Express your fantasies. Use your hands. Suggest toys. Show us who’s boss and give good directions. No matter how you slice it, we love when you take control behind closed doors.
9. Seeing is believing.
Want to know why men like sports? Pure, measurable success. At the end of the game, no one can dispute the number of touchdowns, home runs, or points on the scoreboard. An athlete works toward a goal and is rewarded with concrete proof of his effort. So what is the irrefutable proof of a successful emotional life? The data is less tangible. Men fear vagueness because, for some reason, it often feels like failure isn’t far behind.
10. Try not to pick out the one thing we did wrong.
How important is picking up our socks if the yard is mowed each week? Does it matter that an item was forgotten at the store when we checked off the rest of the list? If the kid went to his friend’s house with a stained shirt, yet still finished his science project, is there a point to mentioning it?

James Marshall, Relationship Counselor

Warren Morris, Publicist

Ben Rice, Fitness Trainer