The Power of Social Media Over Us

How is the power of Social Media impacting our lives?

During the early days of the Social Media we had Myspace, Black Planet and AOLchat rooms. Now we have Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Snapchap and a whole lot of questionable and down right dangerous things that come with them.  Remember the milk crate challenge from this summer?  How about the bathroom challenge or the latest… the smack a teacher challenge? All of them going viral because of Social Media. After a Facebook whistleblower testified on Capitol Hill this week and a worldwide outage, the power of social media is giving all of us pause.

Ingrid Sturgis, Ingrid Sturgis, Digital Media Expert, Chair, Department of Media, Journalism and Film, The Howard University School of Communications.

Brandi Chew, Social Media Strategist