DC Emancipation Day

There are some great activities and events taking place during DC Emancipation Day this Saturday April 15th.

We are just days away from DC Emancipation Day 2023 and DC officials have a day filled with a host of activities and guests to make this year’s event memorable.  It all kicks off with a parade, followed by  an all-star concert and finally a colorful fireworks display.

Phone Guest:  LaToya Foster – Director of the DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment

 DC Emancipation Day 2023 is Saturday, April 15thfrom 2pm to 8:30pm at Freedom Plaza.  For more information go here:

Tune in each morning 6:15, 7:08 and 8:40 to get the latest on what’s going on around the DMV

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube  and Instagram @bobbygailes. 


Listen to this mornings segment here: