YWCA Training
Are you looking for new opportunities? The YWCA career education and training centers offer free workshops, certification, and training courses for DC and Prince George’s County residents. www.ywcanca.org

Party with a purpose with the Top Flight Corvette Club. Come out July 13th for their All-White Affair at Martin’s Crosswinds. www.topflightcorvetteclub.com
Warrior Foundation
The Warrior GMR Foundation is hosting a Mental Health and Gaming Summit for veterans and active-duty service members July 12th & 13th at Howard University’s Blackburn Center. www.warriorgmrfoundation.org

Women’s Summit
The 3rd Annual Table Women’s Empowerment Summit Conference is July 28th at the Hotel at the University of Maryland in College Park. www.lakeshabunn.com
African American Heritage Festival
Enjoy a day of art, music, history, food, and crafts. It’s all at the 31st Annual Manassas African American Heritage Festival August 3rd at Metz Middle School. www.maahf.com

STEAM Block Party
Get empowered and inspired. The “STEAM the Block Party DC” is August 10th at the Entertainment and Sports Arena DC. Activities include science demos, drones, moon bounces, and more. www.swaligafoundation.org

Smart Home Exhibit
Join the DC assistive Technology Program for their Smart Home Exhibit July 13th at MLK Library in NW DC. www.uls-dc.org
WHUR Community’s Choice
To get your non-profit on the air and web, email Renee Nash at rnash@whur.com at least 3 weeks before your event.