{RECAP} National Night Out

WHUR 96.3 set up a vibrant and welcoming booth, attracting a steady stream of attendees eager to engage with our team.

Throughout the evening, our team conducted live broadcasts, sharing the energy and excitement of National Night Out with our listeners. Harold T. Fisher interviewed key figures, including local officials and community leaders, who shared their insights on the importance of community-police partnerships.

In collaboration with local law enforcement, we helped distribute safety information and resources to attendees. It was important to emphasize community vigilance and mutual support in maintaining a safe neighborhood.

National Night Out at Fairmount Heights North Park was a testament to the power of community collaboration and the positive impact of coming together for a common cause. WHUR 96.3 is proud to have been a part of this inspiring event, and we look forward to continuing our support for initiatives that promote safety, unity, and community well-being.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the evening a remarkable success.