Vanessa Williams Opens Up About Getting Divorce In 2021

Recently, Vanessa Williams opened up about getting a divorce in 2021 and how she is feeling today.

Williams said, “I’m doing what I love, and I’m in love with life. There is not one person that I’m in love with, but I’m in love with everybody.”

She continued on they are still on good terms even after the split, “I said, ‘Would you play my bodyguard?’ And he’s like, ‘Sure.’ So he shows up and everyone’s like, ‘Oh my God, they’re divorced, but they’re playing together in Ugly Betty.'”

She added, “That’s a perfect example of the past, the present, the personal, the business, the show business, working together, and knowing that can all be synchronistically aligned and work.” Williams continued, “My orbit’s not like you need a special pass to get in. I finish my show, I go out and sign autographs and I talk to people. I’m pretty open.”

She added, “I love my freedom. I love being alive, having options in my life, and being surrounded by beautiful things, great people, and wonderful opportunities.”