In-Custody Deaths, A Public Health Emergency?

Freddy Gray, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Sandra Bland, Tyre Nichols. It’s no secret what these people have in common. Their deaths, resulting from interactions with the criminal justice system made headlines around the country. While their stories were shocking and invoked outrage, there are many others who go virtually unnoticed. Nine years ago today, 18-Year-old Michael Brown was shot to death by a police officer on a street in Ferguson, Missouri. We take a critical look at in-custody deaths and why my guests say the issue is a public health emergency.

Part 1

Part 2

Professor Justin Hansford, Executive Director, Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center
Dr. Roger Mitchell, Chair, Department of Pathology, Howard University College of Medicine, Author
Selwyn Jones, Uncle of George Floyd, Co-Founder, Hope 929 Foundation