Tips To Release Stress

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or any other mental illnesses, please seek professional help.

Contributed by Diamond Sydnor

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused extreme anxiety in those that are aware and unaware that they suffer from it. Being confined to our homes with the lack of social interaction has many of us to feel isolated and alone. The number of cases is steadily rising and places of business that were once open are closing down again. A valid question would be, when is this all going to end? That’s a question we all are anticipating an answer for but are slowly losing patience waiting to hear one.

Mental illness has been a topic of discussion since the pandemic began. Being as though many of us have never lived through a pandemic before, this is all new territory. With that being said, many of us don’t even know where to begin while coping with the new normal state of the world. Wearing a mask 24/7 and dealing with anxiety is not a great combination. Wanting to stay informed about society by watching the news and staying connected via social media while trying to keep the symptoms of anxiety at bay is really difficult.

Free virtual therapy and counseling have been offered to citizens since we’ve been quarantined to our homes, but some are not equipped to emotionally handled unpacking all of their baggage right now at this current moment. People have bigger fish to fry as many have lost their jobs, so talking about it may not be the best option for some, as we all handle unfortunate situations differently.

Therapy is always a resourceful option, however some of us are looking for ways to lift our moods and release stress daily. People are trying their hardest to keep distracted from the heart wrenching things we hear every day. Let’s talk about the different forms of therapy that assist in keeping our endorphins high and spirits lifted. Color therapy and music therapy are two popular stress management therapies that work really well for me.

Did you know when we listen to music our brains trigger the pleasure centers that release hormones that make us feel happy? The same thing happens when we look at colors that reflect certain moods and make us feel certain emotions. It can help lift your mood if you listen to at least 15-30 mins of feel good music and study a particular color that symbolizes an upbeat mood. Below are some fun creative suggestions on how to use color and music as a form of therapy to bring you some joy:

1. Listen to music on a loud speak and dance freely

2. Put on some music while you shower

3. Grab some pretty and bright colored sharpie markers and write positive words on a blank piece of paper

4. Buy a Legos set! Use bright and bold Legos and build something with your children or partner

5. Make up a song with your family and friends

6. Buy an adult coloring book that have pictures of your favorite things and color

7. Have arts and crafts night with your children

8. Download some music apps on your phone and do something productive while listening to it, you’d be surprised at how fast you’ll finish!

These are some helpful strategies I think are worth a try when things start getting the best of you! This is not medical advice! If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or any other mental illnesses, please seek professional help.