It May Be Time For A Detox!

Wellness should always be a priority! Quarantine has hit us hard and affected many of our goals, weight loss being one of them, but that’s okay! It’s never too late to start over and get it right!

Contributed by Diamond Sydnor

Are you experiencing digestive issues? Struggling with weight loss?  Extreme fatigue? Joint pain? Acne? Consistent headaches? Poor sleeping habits? If you are, it may be time for a detox.  According to Healthline, detox refers to the different diets that allow your body to rid itself of toxins.  If you listen to your body, it will notify you on how it’s functioning.  Pay attention to the signs, if you are always under stress, have a busy and overwhelming schedule, or have poor eating habits, these are clear indications that the body will need time to rejuvenate itself.  Toxins can creep into the blood stream and digestive system if the body is not properly taken care of!

If you are struggling with improving your health and wellness overall a diet detox is a great place to start.  Keep in mind a lot of detoxes demand you to pull back from the unhealthy foods and require you to be mindful by filling your body with fruits and veggies that will provide nutrients in order for the body to function at its highest level.  Think of the body like a car.  Over time the car endures wear and tear from continuous usage, every now and then it’s time for a tune up! That’s how the body works.  The body is made up of several systems with different functionalities that need a jump start from time to time because of usage.

Poor habits as it relates to health leads to weight gain which can lead to obesity if not careful, and several other diseases and health issues such as heart and kidney disease, different kinds of cancers, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  According to the CDC, 49.6 percent of blacks suffer from obesity followed by other races.  As you can see obesity affects some groups more than others.

My health has been a constant battle for me since quarantine began. I’ve struggled with my weight pretty much all of my life! Since the pandemic began, I developed a severe case of acid reflux also known as GERD.  Acid reflux is a condition where the stomach acid flows back up the food pipe.  Anxiety and other stressors contribute to acid reflux as a matter of fact they play a huge role in it.  My digestive problems had worsened as the months went by.  My internal medicine doctor prescribed me an over the counter drug called Prilosec.  Prilosec is a popular over the counter acid blocker.  I was on 40mg a day.  Everything I ate gave me heartburn and indigestion, something I had never experienced before.  It was so bad; I was on a bland diet for weeks at a time.  I became angry and upset but I knew I was too young for those kinds of constant digestive issues and I wanted permanent relief.  I decided to do the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse 20 Day Detox.  This detox requires you to eat a raw diet only consisting of fruits, vegetables, and nuts for 20 days while taking herbal supplements created to cleanse each of the body’s systems.  Let’s just say I am on day 6 of the detox cleanse and this is day 4 for me with no Prilosec.  I am excited.  I feel light on my feet and I am acid reflux symptom free!

Sometimes it may feel like it’s very hard to go cold turkey and give up a lot of foods you were eating to start your health journey.  It’s okay to crawl before you walk.  All that matters is that you are taking steps in the right direction.  Below are ways to begin your journey and then possibly you’ll find it much easier to jump into a detox that will require you to eliminate several foods so your body can start running as usual:

  1. Drink plenty of water and try to pull back on the soda and concentrated or artificially flavored juices
  2. Get your sugar in the natural form from fruits and not from artificial sugars like candy
  3. Have a at least 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies a day
  4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep! Sleep is important. The body heals itself when it shuts down and we sleep
  5. Try to exercise for at least 30 mins a day
  6. Cook and eat at home! Eliminate processed foods
  7. Decrease the salt intake
  8. Most importantly, give yourself grace! Don’t be so hard on yourself, it is a process! Whatever you do, don’t quit!

Wellness should always be a priority! Quarantine has hit us hard and affected many of our goals, weight loss being one of them, but that’s okay! It’s never too late to start over and get it right! I’m with you! Let’s do it together!