‘Natural’ Or Nah?

Take the time to read the ingredients on everything you buy as it can save you a lot of health issues in the future and promote wellness within your lifestyle!

Contributed by Diamond Sydnor

What does the term “natural” mean to you? What words, thoughts, and ideas come to mind if you hear someone else use it? According to Google, the word natural means existing in or caused by nature, not made or caused by humankind. Natural is a term that is used to describe beauty, hair, food, and so much more! There are many benefits of using and consuming things in the natural form. Have you heard that what you put in your body will reflect on the outside? What about if I can eat it must be good for other parts of my body too? So many preservatives and chemicals in our food, hair products, fabric softeners, cosmetics, cleaning products, aerosol sprays, and even our deodorant can harm our health and harm our bodies.

According to CNN, chemicals such as organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, air pollutants, mercury, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers, are all listed as chemicals that are found in our everyday products that you should keep an eye out for. Most of these chemicals cause cancer, brain damage, thyroid issues, respiratory infections and diseases, and when inhaled or swallowed can aggravate the hormone levels within the body.

Organophosphate pesticides are neurotoxic chemicals that make up half of the pesticides used in the United States. They are harmful and can make their way on to crops that are used as food sources. They cause brain and emotional disorders. It’s better to buy your produce and foods organic or use pesticide alternatives to avoid it.

Phthalates soften plastic and help chemicals and scents bind together. They can be found in shampoos, conditioners, body sprays, perfumes, colognes, soap nail polish, shower curtains and so much more.

Polychlorinated biphenyls are used as coolants and lubricants for electrical equipment, but much like other chemicals have made its way to meat and fish.

Air pollutants can be found in the air from fossil fuels, oils, and gasolines. Air pollutants can negatively affect the air quality. Lead is a natural occurring element, but it can be found in water due to the corrosion of old water pipes. Mercury is also a naturally occurring element, but it can be released in the environment from the burning of coal and oil. Mercury has made its way to food much like pesticides.

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers are chemicals that are used as flame retardants, chemicals that can slow down the speed of a flame. They can be found in televisions, computers, and insulation and foam products. These chemicals have been linked to thyroid issues.

I know this is a lot of unfortunate information to take in, however, there are many ways to combat all of this in the healthiest way possible! See the list below!

1. Ditch the pesticides and use pesticide alternatives such as polyculture, biological control, natural barriers or predators.

2. Go to your local Farmers Market and buy organic produce. Shop at your local Whole Foods or Organic Market.

3. Buy your shampoo and conditioner from organic markets! You can also use mayonnaise, bananas, and avocados for your conditioner!

4. Use a diffuser and 100 percent natural essential oils instead of plug ins.

5. Buy unscented lotions and deodorants.

6. Look to see if the cosmetic brands you support are vegan. Check your nail polishes and lip lubricants too.

7. Use turmeric and apple cider vinegar as a face mask! Turmeric is used for cleansing and hyperpigmentation.

8. Buy vegan and vegan fabric softeners.

Lastly and most importantly read the ingredients on everything you buy as it can save you a lot of health issues in the future and promote wellness within your lifestyle!