The Black Vote

The Black Vote holds significant power in shaping the political landscape and advancing social justice in America. Historically, African American communities have fought tirelessly for the right to vote, overcoming monumental obstacles and systemic disenfranchisement.

Today, the Black Vote remains a critical force in electing leaders who champion equality, justice, and economic opportunity.

Maximina Juson the Director of One Person, One Vote? joins Bremante Bryant in discussing the documentary that “follows four presidential electors representing different parties in Colorado during the intense 2020 election.” Its purpose is to, “unveil the complexities of the Electoral College, the uniquely American and often misunderstood mechanism for electing a president.”

Each vote cast is a step towards honoring the legacy of those who fought for this fundamental right and ensuring a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Tune in below to hear the breakdown of the Electoral College, swing states, and how you can watch, One Person, One Vote?