What Is A DEI Hire? The Term Republicans Are Using To Attack Vice President Kamala Harris

As Vice President Kamala Harris begins her race to the White House as Madam President, the way Republicans have used DEI comes almost as a slur.

Monday, Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett told CNN, “One hundred percent she is a DEI hire,” referring to the reason VP Kamala Harris became a running mate in the first place. It seems they are trying to strongly imply that she was hired to make a quota and not as qualified. He added, “Her record is abysmal at best.”

 “I think she was a DEI hire and I think that that’s what we’re seeing, and I just don’t think that they have anybody else. I just think that they’re in real disarray,” said Wyoming Republican Rep. Harriet Hageman 

The Republican party continues to throw their backhanded remark of DEI not long after the Supreme Court reversed Affirmative Action in college applications, which allowed those more than qualified but not overlooked by their ethnicity to have an opportunity to attend predominately white institutions of higher learning.

Defining DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Diversity is defined as the presence of differences within a given setting. In a workplace or organization, this includes differences in race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, education, and more.

Equity involves ensuring fair treatment, opportunities, and advancement for all individuals. It requires identifying and eliminating barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups.

Inclusion is the practice of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued. It’s about fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to contribute and participate fully.

Why DEI?

Vice President Kamala Harris earned her undergraduate degree from Howard University, a Historically Black University in Washington, D.C. Served as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017, the first woman, first African American, and first South Asian to hold the position.

She received her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Throughout her career, she has been a strong advocate for criminal justice reform, emphasizing rehabilitation and support for reentry programs.

Being called DEI because she doesn’t look the same as those using it against her, seems that diversity is essential for creating a dynamic, successful, and just workplace or organization where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


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